Its good to give...
Hi, I am Izzy O'Reilly and I am Emma and Ian's daughter. I am 15 years old and for 4 years now I have been collecting food and other items for homeless people, rough sleepers and armed forces veterans that have fallen on hard times. In four years with your generous help we have managed to raise over £16000 which has fed many hungry mouths and helped many a person sleeping on the streets. There are many reasons why people are living rough and a lot of support is needed to get someone off the street and back under a roof, what i am trying to do is fill the gap whilst the right support can be offered. Its not just food that is needed but gloves and warm clothing as well, my aim is to put together as many items as possible in an emergency street hamper which include some or all of the following:
Gloves and items of warm clothing (socks and jumpers)
Ready to eat protein rich meals
Chocolate and protein snacks
Hygiene Wipes and tissues
Dog food (yes. some homeless people have a dog)
These emergency packages are distributed in East Lancashire by volunteers and are lifelines for many but we never have enough and there is always potentially someone that misses out, I really do need your help...
You can really help me by clicking on the Just Giving link at checkout and selecting a gift amount that I can then turn into some much needed help. Thank you, your help really makes a difference to someone's life...